Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Scream

"I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy -
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red.
I stopped, and leaned against the railing, deathly tired -
looking out across the flaming clouds that hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town.
My friends walked on - I stood there, trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature."
Edward Munch 22 January 1892

It was about august that I heard "The Scream" is stolen, not like in movies with many tricks and acrobatic maneuver but very simple:Two masked thieves pulled the work and another painting, Madonna, off the wall as stunned visitors watched on Sunday.
One robber threatened staff with a gun before the pair escaped in a waiting car.
as I head the this news I was very sad and still looking forward if it could be find again
Munch didn't have an easy life and with this painting on canvas with tempera and pastel he managed to show the fear and terror in all human existence.
This Picture has been popular especially since World War II.
The "scream " was a gift to humanity, a gift for all those tears which never find their way to flow ,for all suffocated screams in throats and for the all who suffers.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Xmas versus Noruz

Ich gehe entlang Oxford Street in London, schaue die Schaufenster an und suche mir was Schoenes aus.
Obwohl bis Weihnachten fast einen Monat ist, sind die Strassen mit Lichtern und Christbaeumen dekoriert, man spuert die ganze Xmas Atmosphaere, und ich denke daran was ich dabei mag und was ich nicht mag. Ich mag dieses kaltes bittere Wetter nicht, aber ich mag den Geruech von Gluehwein, den es vor allem auf Weihnachtsmaerkten in Osterreich gibt, und ich mag den jaehrlichen riesigen Christbaum bei Walters Familie mit den Berg von Geschenken darunter, die innerhalb ein paar Minuten alle ausgepackt werden.
Ich mag die Lichter in dunklen eiskalten Naechten.
Aber alle diese Freude spuere ich nie so tief in meinem Herz, wie wenn ich an Noruz (das persische neue Jahr) denke, das mit dem Beginn des Fruehlings zusammenfaellt. Wie alles vorher sauber gemacht ist und wie alle (besonders Kinder) von Kopf bis Fuss am ersten Tag von Noruz neue Kleider anziehen, und wenn man raus kommt alle Fenster und Menschen glaenzen.
Und obwohl ich jedes Jahr die Haftsin (sieben Sachen) des Nuroz symbolisiert auf dem Tisch setze: Sieben Sachen, die auf Persisch mit s beginnt und symbolische Bedeutung haben: Sib (Apfel); Sabse (selbst gemachte Sprossen), Seke (Muenze), Sonbol (eine aromatische Blume); senjed (ein Obst), Somagh (Gewuerze); Sir (Knoblauch) plus Spiegel, zwei Goldfische und einen Koran.
Aber zwischen Christbaum und Haftsin da ist viel mehr, das ich vermisse,
Ich vermisse das kleine Maedchen, das nicht warten konnte, ihr neues rotes Samtkleid und ihre neuen roten Lackschuhe anzuziehen.
Ich vermisse dieses Maedchen, das mit ihre juengeren Schwester das ganze Haus nach versteckten Geschenken und Kuchen durchsuchte.
Und ich ich vermisse das juenge Maedchen, das erst 19 geworden ist und zum ersten Mal die Schmetterlinge der Liebe im Bauch fuehlt, im Garten auf der Schaukel sitzt und eine sanfte Brise spuert, die Blueten von einem Apfel Baum auf ihren Rock bringt und sie feiert mit der Brise und den Blueten sein Laecheln zu ihr.
Ich bin jetzt am Ende der Regent Street und ein gruener weicher Pullover im Schaufenster von Mango bringt mich ins Geschaeft.


Ein paar Tage konnte ich nicht schreiben weil wir haben liebe Gaeste aus der Ferne gehabt, aber ich moechte hier allen meinen Freunden - besonders Aude (die mir eine schoene Karte geschickt hat) - danken, dass ihr mir mit Kritik und Komplimenten beim weiterschreiben dieses Weblogs geholfen habt!

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Wegen einiger Gründe habe ich mich entschieden, ab heute je nach Laune dieses Weblog weiter auf Deutsch, Persich oder Englisch zu schreiben.
Da dieses Weblog meine Ideen und Meinungen reflektieren soll, wird es besser sein, meine Gedanken gleich in der Sprache niederzuschreiben, in der sie mir einfallen! Die anderen Gründe spare ich dem Leser.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Rose in snow

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Iranian MPs approve uranium bill
Iran denies claims it wants to build nuclear weapons
No result at Iran nuclear talks

Fresh talks with European negotiator on Iran's controversial nuclear program's have ended without agreement
Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a country is allowed, under inspection by the IAEA, to enrich uranium to a level needed for nuclear power.
The NPT was an agreement opened for signature in 1968 under which those countries with nuclear weapons at the time (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France) were allowed to keep them but agreed not to give them to anyone else.
And several nuclear-weapons capable states - Israel, India and Pakistan - have not signed up to the treaty so they can develop weapons. Another, North Korea, has withdrawn from it.

In my point of view generally the nuclear energy should be replaced by clean source energy like wind and Solar energy anf if they are not so economically there should be enough funding for research ( instead of money for the war) to make them economics
But I am wondered under which cover of moral the countries who owns nuclear weapon are allowed to keep them?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the other point is who takes the chalk and divide the earth to good and evil part and under this circumstance The good countries who have nuclear weapon themselves make it forbidden for a country like Iran which is situated on evil axis(!) to enrich uranium even when they say it's only for peaceful purpose!
An when other evil country like North Korea says they are developing nuclear weapon the good countries prefer to be quite.
On the other hand when countries like India and Pakistan that even are not members of Iaea, there is no sign of crises , but how sure are the good (!)countries that tomorrow the friendly regime of Pakistan won't be in hand of ISlamic extremistwhen they feel so being threated by them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Posted by

Monday, November 08, 2004

Khane doost kojast*?(*Where is friend's home?)

As sadness shaded inside my chest and felt the pain of
thousands cold plunging needles ,than I had the desire to see you

Needed to be comforted by your warm voice
And thought may be you have still a tissue for my tears
Than I remembered that I can't reach you any more by a few steps.
And now I wish the distance which separates me from you would only remains in miles
& our souls could stay close together

Saturday, November 06, 2004



You laughed at me and didn't know with how much anxiety I stole the apple from the neighbor's garden,
The Gardner ran after me
Saw the apple in your hand
Looked at me angry
The bitten apple fell from your hand on the dust
you went away and since then there have been years but still the voice of your steps teases me and I am drowned in my self-conceit why our house didn't have any garden.

H. Mosadagh

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Girl with mines in her basket
Posted by Hello

"Turtles Can Fly "

"Turtles Can Fly " that was the film title which I saw with Walter in London Film festival this Iranian movie which was admired recently in a film festival in Madrid is to represent Iranian cinema in the Oscar Academy Award competition.
The film based on reality was about Kurdish Iraqi children which not only their childhood is stolen from them but aslo have been handicapped by mines and cluster bombs , It was really sad to see that these children work in mined area for surviving and earn money and gather the mines with risking their lives or being armless or without feet for a whole life.
Bahman Ghobadi the regisseur answered the questions of the viewers at theend of the film he told as Kurd was he happy that Saddam is fallen however we shouldn't forget which countries supported Saddam and end the Saddam regime was also possible without military inruption and that so many innocent lifes would be sacrificed.
And those who terrorize the characters of people trains Terrorist!
And now that the Oil reservoirs of Iraq are plundered by foreign companies the Iraqis have accepted that their fortune would be stolen from them and hope they do it at least without pouring blood and taking the arms and feet of their children.
But surely the Oil companies are not the only one who want make profit there are also weapons factories whowant to make a fortune and need therefore wars and pouring blood

Foggy time
Posted by Hello


Once upon a time there were people who loved graet dictators!
.....................Once they adored Hitler as their"Fuehrer"!
.....................Some steps further on the earth, they praised Stalin!
.....................Some times later, they obeyed their lifelong president Saddam Hussein

And nowadays these people elect Bush world's number one terrorist as their President!

What is the matter with these people , are they conservative and narrow minded or just simply naive and believe what is demanded from them by the system to believe?
Before election,
I saw one of our company business partner who wanted to vote for Bush because he didn't want to pay more taxes!

I read about Cuban Americans in Florida who wanted to vote for bush because they didn't like Fidel!

I heard about some Iranian Americans who wanted to vote for Bush because they didn't like the Mullahs!

and I even heard about young boys who were sympathized to Bush because his daughters seem to be more sexy than kerry's daughters!
And so the hollow world is made from our shallow minds!
And all these remembers me on my childhood story book about a competition between a wise and honest man and an illiterate and swindler man,the villager asked them to write the word "snake", the wise man wrote clearly on a piece of paper snake, and the swindler drew on a paper the picture of a snake and ask the people "now justify it by yourself which one looks like a real snake?"
And because the people were all illiterate they believed the swindler and hit the wise man and threw him away of their village!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Pic from bbc
Posted by Hello


Today many people also who are not eligible for vote in America are looking forward who will be the next U.s president.
I personally think the election between Kerry and Bush is the choice between Bad and Worse,
And at least if kerry win, the blood of innocent children and people would'nt be poured so easily!